
K1 Only


Thank you for your interest in K1 Only. Whether you are a brand new visitor with a sales question, or a current customer with a support question, please use the contact form below to provide us with your information and we will reply to your inquiry as soon as possible. For couples who’ve already ordered from us, we can field questions from either partner, however it is often easier to coordinate with the American citizen or permanent resident if English ability is a challenge for the other partner. For billing or other sensitive questions, it is usually better for the partner who paid for the service to contact us.

Note: Please be sure to review our Topics before submitting general questions, as most of them are already answered (and updated often), along with the relevant Forms and Examples.

Our private Facebook group is a great place to share your experience with other couples. While anyone on the K1 visa journey can join, we ask that you speak English and respect everyone’s privacy, and refrain from endorsing commercial visa agencies or immigration attorneys in the group.

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Disclaimer: Whenever dealing with immigration issues, it is important to distinguish between “official” information published by the government, advice given to you by a professional attorney, or content that is for educational/entertainment purposes only. For both our protection, we must clarify that we fall into the third category here (education or entertainment) and that our business does not consist of government officials or professional attorneys. K1 Only is not a law firm, and is not licensed to practice law in any state; moreover, our services do not include legal services, legal advice, or legal representation. No results are insinuated, promised, or otherwise guaranteed with regard to your K1 visa process or related issues; please see our full Terms Of Service, Privacy Policy, and other pages for more information.